August 3, 2018 4:28 pm
Memento mori: Flowers at Picton, Marlborough. 12.08pm, 14 April 2018
“People have to die but flowers last forever”, no one said; this series is devoted to the Latin phrase that reminds us that our lives all have an end. Plastic tulips and carnations mingle here with real life bulbs, in this cameo from the upper slopes of the Picton cemetery. A single non-perfumed daphne flower ornaments the bottom of the cross, between the infants, while red and green buttons of plastic sit on the adjacent concrete.
It’s a timeless scene, maybe, but still subject to sunlight and the wind, and some day will be at the mercy of vandals or a severe storm. The terraced layout of the cemetery makes it easier to take such close-ups, and other graves often constrain picture angles. Although I can’t honestly say I’ve never done it, I don’t like to trespass on the actual graves. It seems disrespectful.
1/250th sec at f6.3. Nikon 85mm; ISO 500
Posted by Barney Brewster
Tags: cemeteries, flowers, Marlborough, memento mori, Nikon D700, Picton, telephoto
Categories: Daylight photography, Memento mori