Night photography

51. Winter moonrise after dark, German Hill

51. Winter moonrise after dark, German Hill

Some unexpected blue between the scudding clouds; photography on evenings after full moon

50. In silhouette, Nugget Point night

50. In silhouette, Nugget Point night

A moonlit figure unaffected by a passing car; low ISO and lens selection

49. Infra red church and moon, Baylys Beach

49. Infra red church and moon, Baylys Beach

Moving cloud and torchlight add drama; an unusual high contrast film

48. Summer evening at Triangle Flat, Golden Bay

48. Summer evening at Triangle Flat, Golden Bay

Colourful star trails and a meteorite on film; digital disadvantages with extended exposures

47. Moonlit figure at Okarito

47. Moonlit figure at Okarito

Elf-portrait or self-portrait? Pricks of moongleam on the boathouse deck, in sepia

46. Bullock Creek moonlight, Punakaiki

46. Bullock Creek moonlight, Punakaiki

Kahikatea framed by a West Coast canyon; trouble with really long exposures

45. Karekare before dawn, west Auckland coast

45. Karekare before dawn, west Auckland coast

Quiet water, rough rocks and a soft line of surf – after an unexpected threat to my well-being

44. Moonrise from the Devonport ferry, Auckland

44. Moonrise from the Devonport ferry, Auckland

Movement by the photographer, not something within the frame. But first set up your tripod.

43. Offshore squall, Taranaki, at night

43. Offshore squall, Taranaki, at night

Simple but fast-moving monochrome composition, in a square format.

42. Neudorf apples by moonlight

42. Neudorf apples by moonlight

At close range at night with medium format; a monochrome study in tints

41. After midnight on the porch at Te Hapu

41. After midnight on the porch at Te Hapu

Breezy movement, bright colour and a strong diagonal in a square format

39. Mt Taranaki at night, from Centennial Drive

39. Mt Taranaki at night, from Centennial Drive

Electricity on the march, on a moonless night; long exposures and the ISO factor.

37. Nude by moonlight, Wairarapa pastorale

37. Nude by moonlight, Wairarapa pastorale

A simple composition, but a pose requiring 15 minutes; reciprocity effects

36. April evening, Woodstock, near Hokitika

36. April evening, Woodstock, near Hokitika

Full moon in low-rent country, West Coast, without banjos

35. Saturday night in the Domain, Auckland

35. Saturday night in the Domain, Auckland

Experimenting with long exposure on a slow and unusual film, on a drizzly night

34. Quirky but Perky, by moonlight

34. Quirky but Perky, by moonlight

A bedecked piggy-bank in a wide angle daylight effect; about focal length and apertures

33. Night-for-day at Kaihoka, Golden Bay

33. Night-for-day at Kaihoka, Golden Bay

Unusual daylight effects, movement and a surprise cameo role for the woman-in-magenta

32. Waimarama church at night, Hawkes Bay

32. Waimarama church at night, Hawkes Bay

Car lights add highlights to a country church while the moon hides behind the steeple

31. A winter’s walk to Groom Creek, Nelson

31. A winter’s walk to Groom Creek, Nelson

Slow photography while out with friends; the extra dimension to night photography

30. Foreshore wind-wand at night, New Plymouth

30. Foreshore wind-wand at night, New Plymouth

A subject in motion against a moving background; tungsten one last time

29. Moonlit cherub, Waimea West, Nelson

29. Moonlit cherub, Waimea West, Nelson

Wide angle vertical composition; depth of focus and a figurine

28. Twilight at the MDF plant, Waimea Inlet, Nelson

28. Twilight at the MDF plant, Waimea Inlet, Nelson

Balancing the last of the day with industrial lighting; the tungsten setting and colour temperature

27. St Mary’s evening vigil, Nelson

27. St Mary’s evening vigil, Nelson

The Holy Mother looks out on city lights; the subtlety of moonlight

26. Gerry by broad moonlight, Ocean Beach, Hawkes Bay

26. Gerry by broad moonlight, Ocean Beach, Hawkes Bay

A broad daylight effect; quicker people pix by moonlight; focus and movement

25. Holy Virgin & Infant, Brook Reservoir, Nelson

25. Holy Virgin & Infant, Brook Reservoir, Nelson

A surreal study with a figurine; flowing water effects by long exposure.

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Barney Brewster – NZ Landscape Photographer

Based in Nelson, Barney loves to capture the New Zealand landscape, mostly through long exposures at dusk or after dark.

