Heavy cloud cover streaked with moonlight; the timelessness of unlit waters
In praise of pink; a secluded suburban waterfront and the challenge of the night-lit city
From a pier on a rainy summer’s evening; an experiment with flash, tungsten and long exposure
Combining flashlight with moonlight; controlling the effect by ISO adjustment
A big view on big film; monochrome surf in extended exposure; vertical compositions
A daylight effect and a sea change with long exposure; simplicity as a composition cue
Blowing in the wind on a sandy shore; the perils of calendar picture selection
Time on the trot, subtle surf and a shadow; the frustrations of focus
Some unexpected blue between the scudding clouds; photography on evenings after full moon
A moonlit figure unaffected by a passing car; low ISO and lens selection
Moving cloud and torchlight add drama; an unusual high contrast film
Colourful star trails and a meteorite on film; digital disadvantages with extended exposures
Elf-portrait or self-portrait? Pricks of moongleam on the boathouse deck, in sepia
Kahikatea framed by a West Coast canyon; trouble with really long exposures
Quiet water, rough rocks and a soft line of surf – after an unexpected threat to my well-being
Movement by the photographer, not something within the frame. But first set up your tripod.
Simple but fast-moving monochrome composition, in a square format.
At close range at night with medium format; a monochrome study in tints
Breezy movement, bright colour and a strong diagonal in a square format
A tungsten study aided by a surprise arrival; using flash with long exposure at twilight
Electricity on the march, on a moonless night; long exposures and the ISO factor.
Finding depth in a wide angle view; the challenge of a square format
A simple composition, but a pose requiring 15 minutes; reciprocity effects
Full moon in low-rent country, West Coast, without banjos
Experimenting with long exposure on a slow and unusual film, on a drizzly night