Full moon, full cloud; adding foreground highlights with Incandescent and an LED torch
Simplicity and multiplicity; vertical frame with a wide angle
Simple imagery; it pays to look around the back
The joy of glamorous and co-operative subjects, in colour infra red; the near side of night photography
Twilight use of flash; subtlety, instantaneity and their opposites
Fun with a torch in motion; colour temperature, cloudy skies, late moons
Strong contrasts in form and colour; perspective, light balancing and the winter moon
Silver surf and f16 on the beach; handling difficult focus by using a small aperture
A twilight twist from the Chateau; telephoto and perspective
Simple forms and shadow effects; street lighting used with wind-blown moonlight
Using flash with moonlight; square format composition
The fall – and rise – of water over 2 minutes; unusual soundtrack of a cascade silenced
30 seconds in the life of waterfowl; balancing harsh and hand-crafted lighting
Monochrome peak-and-pines at a road end; composition and the continuing lure of square format
An inspiring new structure, after dark; noise, scale and safety
High contrast land, sea and sky; late moons, weariness and night safety
Heavy cloud cover streaked with moonlight; the timelessness of unlit waters
In praise of pink; a secluded suburban waterfront and the challenge of the night-lit city
A big view on big film; monochrome surf in extended exposure; vertical compositions
A daylight effect and a sea change with long exposure; simplicity as a composition cue
Blowing in the wind on a sandy shore; the perils of calendar picture selection
A moonlit figure unaffected by a passing car; low ISO and lens selection
Colourful star trails and a meteorite on film; digital disadvantages with extended exposures
Quiet water, rough rocks and a soft line of surf – after an unexpected threat to my well-being
Simple but fast-moving monochrome composition, in a square format.