At close range at night with medium format; a monochrome study in tints
Breezy movement, bright colour and a strong diagonal in a square format
A tungsten study aided by a surprise arrival; using flash with long exposure at twilight
A simple composition, but a pose requiring 15 minutes; reciprocity effects
Full moon in low-rent country, West Coast, without banjos
Experimenting with long exposure on a slow and unusual film, on a drizzly night
Unusual daylight effects, movement and a surprise cameo role for the woman-in-magenta
Wide angle vertical composition; depth of focus and a figurine
Photo ops on the evening before full moon; the three-punch theory of composition
Matching exposure time to the event in witness; moving away from the obvious vantage points
Monochrome in sepia; a vessel leaves port on calm seas, at high moon.
Half an hour on an autumn evening, along the pebbly shore; in compositional thirds.
Farm animals make good subjects for moonlight photography – precisely because they won’t keep still.
Find a quiet street and mix your moonlight with some sodium. Add your shadow to hide the tripod’s.
L-o-n-g exposure with a field camera, set up before dark. Clouds and moonbeams moving over water.