Simple forms and shadow effects; street lighting used with wind-blown moonlight
Shipping signature from the beach below Paritutu; exposing for highlights with a high moon
Monochrome peak-and-pines at a road end; composition and the continuing lure of square format
An inspiring new structure, after dark; noise, scale and safety
A daylight effect and a sea change with long exposure; simplicity as a composition cue
Blowing in the wind on a sandy shore; the perils of calendar picture selection
Time on the trot, subtle surf and a shadow; the frustrations of focus
Some unexpected blue between the scudding clouds; photography on evenings after full moon
Colourful star trails and a meteorite on film; digital disadvantages with extended exposures
Simple but fast-moving monochrome composition, in a square format.
Breezy movement, bright colour and a strong diagonal in a square format
A bedecked piggy-bank in a wide angle daylight effect; about focal length and apertures
Unusual daylight effects, movement and a surprise cameo role for the woman-in-magenta
Slow photography while out with friends; the extra dimension to night photography
Wide angle vertical composition; depth of focus and a figurine
Balancing the last of the day with industrial lighting; the tungsten setting and colour temperature
The Holy Mother looks out on city lights; the subtlety of moonlight
A surreal study with a figurine; flowing water effects by long exposure.
Moonlight draws the veil; a stallion becomes a pony.
Monochrome in sepia; a vessel leaves port on calm seas, at high moon.
Swirling cloud in intermittent moonlight; problems with viewing in the dark and high ISOs.
A last shot before the clag closed in; moonlight balanced with a floodlit pylon.
An invisible line of surf on a rocky shore; getting close enough but not too close.
A night-fishing boat leaves a light trail, making its way out into Tasman Bay.
Farm animals make good subjects for moonlight photography – precisely because they won’t keep still.