Elf-portrait or self-portrait? Pricks of moongleam on the boathouse deck, in sepia
Movement by the photographer, not something within the frame. But first set up your tripod.
Simple but fast-moving monochrome composition, in a square format.
Breezy movement, bright colour and a strong diagonal in a square format
A tungsten study aided by a surprise arrival; using flash with long exposure at twilight
Electricity on the march, on a moonless night; long exposures and the ISO factor.
Full moon in low-rent country, West Coast, without banjos
A subject in motion against a moving background; tungsten one last time
A night-fishing boat leaves a light trail, making its way out into Tasman Bay.
Farm animals make good subjects for moonlight photography – precisely because they won’t keep still.
L-o-n-g exposure with a field camera, set up before dark. Clouds and moonbeams moving over water.