Combining flashlight with moonlight; controlling the effect by ISO adjustment
A big view on big film; monochrome surf in extended exposure; vertical compositions
A daylight effect and a sea change with long exposure; simplicity as a composition cue
Some unexpected blue between the scudding clouds; photography on evenings after full moon
Simple but fast-moving monochrome composition, in a square format.
A tungsten study aided by a surprise arrival; using flash with long exposure at twilight
Electricity on the march, on a moonless night; long exposures and the ISO factor.
Finding depth in a wide angle view; the challenge of a square format
A subject in motion against a moving background; tungsten one last time
Harbour lights illuminate low wispy cloud over Paritutu; introduction to star trails
A moonrise after dark; waiting to see something appear in the viewfinder
The big camera out on a wind-swept beach, well before full moon.
Monochrome in sepia; a vessel leaves port on calm seas, at high moon.
Swirling cloud in intermittent moonlight; problems with viewing in the dark and high ISOs.
A last shot before the clag closed in; moonlight balanced with a floodlit pylon.
Farm animals make good subjects for moonlight photography – precisely because they won’t keep still.
The madding crowd stayed only till sunset. Deep twilight is close to moonlight in exposure terms.
On the last evening of summer, a clear view from a wild river of the mountain bare, in oblique moonlight.
City lights and headlights with a mountain backdrop: balancing picture elements in the fast-fading light of day.
Making the most of a break in the weather; mixing the sublime with an electric fence.