30 seconds in the life of waterfowl; balancing harsh and hand-crafted lighting
A cabbage tree lit up from an unlikely source; star movement, lens choice, colour casts
Striking blue moonlight under a black sky; f16 and depth of field
An inspiring new structure, after dark; noise, scale and safety
From a pier on a rainy summer’s evening; an experiment with flash, tungsten and long exposure
A tungsten study aided by a surprise arrival; using flash with long exposure at twilight
Electricity on the march, on a moonless night; long exposures and the ISO factor.
Car lights add highlights to a country church while the moon hides behind the steeple
A subject in motion against a moving background; tungsten one last time
Balancing the last of the day with industrial lighting; the tungsten setting and colour temperature
The Holy Mother looks out on city lights; the subtlety of moonlight
A moonrise after dark; waiting to see something appear in the viewfinder
Fun with car light trails; balancing car lights with much dimmer moonlight.
A last shot before the clag closed in; moonlight balanced with a floodlit pylon.
A night-fishing boat leaves a light trail, making its way out into Tasman Bay.
Find a quiet street and mix your moonlight with some sodium. Add your shadow to hide the tripod’s.